(Harmonized System) Code is used to define a product in business. It contains
internationally standardized numbers and names to classify each and every
category of commodities. HS Codes are also known as tariff codes and are mandatory
for both domestic and international import export business. What is HS Code? What
is the structure of harmonized tariff code?
How to find harmonized code of a product? Where to find HS code of all
products? Find answers of questions related to HS Code right here.
What is the Structure of HS Code?
Harmonized System, a code is given to all goods that are traded domestically
and internationally. These products are listed into 21 Sections and 99
Chapters. In countries like India and Brazil HS Code up to 8-digit level is
used, while there are few countries such as USA and Russia in which HS Code up
to 10-digit level is used for product classification.
we see structure of HS Code in India, the first
two digits define a Chapter. The next
two digits define the Heading. The third
two digits define the HS Sub-Heading. And the last two digits define the Tariff Item Level. Let’s understand HS
Code from the example given below:
How HS Code is Called in Various Countries?
HS Code is called with different names in various countries, but its main and
only purpose is to define a product in business. So, let’s check out the names
of HS Code that are used in different countries and find HS Code of all
products in different countries.
NCM Code in Brazil
HS Code is called as NCM (Nomenclatura Comum do Mercosul in Brazil to classify a product in business. It is used up to 8-digit level for not only buying or selling goods domestically but trading commodities internationally. Search NCM Code in Brazil of your product with product description in both English and Brazilian language right here http://www.exportgenius.in/hs-code/brazil.
HS Code in China
uses HS Code up to 8-digit level; however some products are classified up to
10-digit level as well. In China, HS Code is also called as Customs Tariff
Code. Know HS Code of your product in English and Chinese language by clicking
on the link given here http://www.exportgenius.in/hs-code/china.
HSN Code in India
is HSN Code? In India, HS Code is named as HSN (Harmonized System of
Nomenclature) to categorize a product. It is used up to 8-digit level in a
business. Find HSN Code list right at http://www.exportgenius.in/hs-code/india
and get correct HS Code of your product.
BTKI Code in Indonesia
uses BTKI (Buku Tarif Kepabeanan Indonesia) Code up to 8-digit level to
classify a product in business. Get correct BTKI Code of your product both in
English and Indonesian language right through http://www.exportgenius.in/hs-code/indonesia.
HS Code in Russia
uses Harmonized System Code up to 10-digit level for better classifying a
product with greater specification. In this country, HS Code is also known as
Tariff Code. Search for HS Code list of Russia with product description in both
English and Russian language right at http://www.exportgenius.in/hs-code/russia.
HS Code in South Korea
Korea also uses HS Code to define a product and up to 10-digit level. HS Code
is also termed as Tariff Schedule in this country. So, look for HS Code of your
product in English and Korean language right at http://www.exportgenius.in/hs-code/south-korea.
HTS Number in USA
United States of America takes HS as Harmonized Tariff Schedule. It uses the
code up to 10-digit level for classifying a product in business with better
specification. Find HTS Code in US of your product right through http://www.exportgenius.in/hs-code/usa.
CTC(Custom Tariff Code) in Vietnam
Vietnam, HS Code is called as Custom Tariff Code. It uses CTC up to 8-digit
level. Are you looking for CTC of your product? Simply, visit at http://www.exportgenius.in/hs-code/vietnam
and enter product description in the search box. Also, select a chapter for
better specification of a product.
Why is HS Code Important?
Codes are used to categorize a product in both domestic and international
business. In import export activities, HS Code is important for companies and
government. How? Let’s find out right away!
to Find Correct HS Code of Your Product?
- Companies: Importers and exporters use HS Code to pay custom duty levied on their products and file customs-based documents such as Shipping Bill, Bill of Lading, etc. By knowing correct HS Code of their product, they can avoid paying fines, having delayed consignments and coping up with increased inspections. Also, buyers and suppliers can avail various government benefits and schemes on import and export such as Duty Drawback, etc.
- Government: As far as government is concerned, customs officials and government representatives can uniformly identify imported and exported products so that they can easily levied purposed tax & duty. Also, government agencies can collect statistical information with the help of HS Code and use the correct HS number in global trade negotiations and enforcement of national laws & international treaties.
Know Unknown Historical Facts about HS Code
- HS Code is developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO) and it came into effect in 1988.
- Since inception, 5 revisions of HS Code have been taken place and currently, 2017 revision is being used worldwide.
- Among 99 Chapters, Chapter 77 is reserved for future use of classifying any new product and Chapter 99 is for commodities not elsewhere specified.
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